How to create a Google Sheets form

Send responses from your Fillout form to a Google Sheet. Set up this integration in less than 30 seconds to automatically sync a spreadsheet to your form questions.

What Google Sheets is

Google Sheets is a web-based spreadsheet application, offering users a collaborative platform to create, edit, and store spreadsheets online. It provides a wide range of features for data analysis, visualization, and sharing, making it a versatile tool for businesses, educators, and individuals.

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How it works

1. Start with a form synced to Google Sheets

Note: If you already have a form that you now want to connect to Google Sheets, you can skip to the section below.
Create + New form followed by Connect. Pick Google Sheets as an integration option.
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Choose your theme (donโ€™t worry, you can always change this later).
Click Sign in with Google to connect your account.
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Choose the account youโ€™d like to to have the Google sheet be created in. Click Continue to grant access to Fillout to only the sheets that have been created by Fillout

2. That's it! Drag and drop automatically synced fields

At this point, a new Google Sheet has been created on your account, which you can always find by checking the settings of the integration on the Integrations tab in the editor. You can add new questions, change your theme, and all of those changes will automatically be reflected in the sheet.
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Good to know: Fillout has many powerful features like branching and conditional hide/appear logic. No matter how complex your needs are, thereโ€™s a way to build it in Fillout.

Already have a form? Connect to Google Sheets in a few clicks!

To connect a form that youโ€™ve already made to a Google Sheet, simply head to Integrations , and select Google Sheets.
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Once youโ€™ve selected Google Sheets, follow the steps above to Connect to your Google Account. Your form submissions will all now automatically sync to a new Google Sheet! You can always revisit this tab to view which sheet your submissions are heading to

Working with different question types in Fillout

Date times
  • Note that all date timestamps that are sent to your Google Sheet (using the Date time picker field in Fillout) are written in UTC.
  • To display times in a local timezone, you can add an extra formula column to do so.
Address field
  • By default, all of the answers in your address field will be added to separate columns in your Google Sheet. Use this to easily sift through answers from a certain City/State, or hide the columns which you donโ€™t need

Specify a condition

You can run your integration only when a specific condition is met. Check out this guide.
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