Make new companies and deals in a HubSpot form

Add new company records and set up your deals pipeline in HubSpot through Fillout forms.

How to add a company

Select a Company property from the dropdown, and reference it to the respective field by looking for the page containing it, then Insert it.
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Good to know: You can map URL or Email fields to the Company Domain property, and it will extract the domain name. For example, will be recorded as in HubSpot.
Click Finish setup once everything is good.

How to create a deal

Simply select a Sales pipeline and Deal stage. You can also + Add new Deal properties if you prefer to. Then, choose a Deal property, and Insert the relevant reference to match it.
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Click Finish setup when you're done. Remember to Publish your form once you've made the new changes.
HubSpot specific guide
How to create a HubSpot form
How to create a HubSpot form