
Pre-fetch dynamic data for your form

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Fetch information from Airtable, Notion or any service before your form loads. Display the data in your form or use it in your form logic.
Last Updated
Oct 10, 2023

Video tutorial

Fillout lets you get data from Airtable or Notion and use it in your form.
Note: This feature is available to Business and Enterprise users. For more details on pricing, click here. However, you can still make update forms that pre-fetch information on the Free plan, with this approach.

How to pull external information into your form

1. Select your integration

Navigate to the Integrations page and choose an integration.

2. Add a pre-fetch record

Then, click + Add new under Pre-fetch records.
notion image
Enter a name for your record, then select a base and a table. Under Filter by, choose an Airtable field. In this example, we'll select email.
notion image
Usually, we'll specify which record to fetch based on a URL parameter or based on information about the user that logged in. We'll pick email as the reference. Click Insert.

How to use pre-fetched records in your form

Check out this article to see how you can display pre-fetched records, use the data to show or hide questions, branch to different pages, and more.
Good to know: You can fetch records from the same database you’re working in, or even an entirely separate one on your account!
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