
Ending page

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Page Description
Show users a thank you page, redirect them to another site or another form, or let them fill the form out again.
Last Updated
Oct 17, 2023

How to add an ending page

An ending page is added by default when you create a new form. You can add more ending pages by clicking + Add page followed by Ending.
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Tip: Use page logic to send different users to different ending pages.

Ending page types

There are three types of ending pages you can choose from: Page, New form and Redirect.
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Page (default)
The default ending page thanks a respondent for submitting a form. This page allows users to customize the thank you text, add images, banners, and other fields that you'd like to show the respondent upon submission. You can customize these through the left-hand panel and by highlighting the text.
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New form
This ending type lets users redirect respondents to another form, and optionally pass URL parameters. For example, you already know the respondent's name from this form, and would like the next form to know as well. See here for more information.
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This sends users to another link after they fill out your form, without seeing the default ending page in Fillout. This can be useful if you'd like to send them back to your home page or portal after completing the form.
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Note: This feature is available on Starter, Pro, Business, and Enterprise plans. Learn more about our pricing plans and advanced features here.

Ask respondents to fill out your form again

Respondents can fill out your form multiple times. Simply add a Fill again button from the left-hand panel. More details here.
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Click or drag and drop the URL button. Then, click the settings icon to open the right-hand panel, and customize it as you see fit.
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Allow respondents to save a copy of their responses

Add a Send response field to your form. Upon entering their email, respondents will receive a copy of their form submission.
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Disable the confetti effect
Page logic
Combine and repeat forms